Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Kings of LA circa 1981-82: Flesh Eaters, X, Gun Club, Minutemen/Non Plus Magazine

If I can figure out how to post these tapes I will. State of the art technology in the early 80's = cassette magazine. Based on the $.94 tag from Rhino, I must have grabbed these at one of the old Rhino parking lot sales. Chris D without a shirt by the side of the LA River as good as Jimbo posing without his shirt in Venice a decade plus earlier? Yes, it's a poet thing. JLP looking healthy and babyfaced. Did Black Flag feature on one of these Non Plus things?


  1. Hey, I have a copy of this tape that I'm transferring to my computer right now. I wanted to upload the audio file into a youtube video so people can check it out. Do you mind if I use your jpeg scans? The copy I bought off ebay years ago (out of curiousity) didn't come with any artwork. Let me know!

  2. Please do. Would love to hear these as I still have not gotten around to digitizing the tapes.

    1. Awesome, thank you! I just uploaded it and you can check it out at

      I only have #3, but I'd love to hear the others. I'm not sure how many were released, but at least 3. Let me know if you would want me to digitize #1 for you if you don't have anything to transfer the tape with. I could paypal some $$$ for shipping it me + some collateral so I return it (which I of course would within a week or two). Give it a thought!

    2. Sounds great Brian. Let me take a look around to see if I can locate them. Happy to send them on if I can actually find them.

  3. Just burned the FEs interview from #3 and sent it to Chris D...I run this page

    1. Thanks Trevor. I am on the FE facebook page so will take a look. I still think Chris is tops in his music writing - just the anectdotal/critical nuggets he put on facebook are great. Not sure if you have seen this:
