Saturday, December 1, 2018

Primal Screamers and B-Movie Syndrome: Greta Garbage and the Trash Cans Part II

As a follow-up to the recent Greta Garbage post, I recently came across the 1977 Radiators from Space press kit (thanks Ryan!) issued in conjunction with the 45 release of “Enemies”/”Psychotic Reaction.” I did a double take on the pre-history of the Radiators.  Greta Garbage dates from 1973 and the band was rehearsing numbers by the MC5, Velvet Underground, New York Dolls, as well as Bowie and Silverhead!  Plus originals like the great “Girl With the Luminous Brain.” Wow.  Confirms my take on that single track and makes me want to hear more. A contemporaneous garage band in Dublin mining the same inspirations as those in Cleveland (RFTT, Mirrors etc) Los Angeles (Imperial Dogs) and obviously New York among other places. Just confirms that there is likely more proto-punk gold old there to be found and also changes the historical narrative ever so slightly.